KAMUI in Las Vegas AND the fun Schedule.

Hello KAMUI friends! Please share this on your social media pages.
KAMUI USA will be in Las Vegas from July 17th - August 21st 2017.
The first event will be held at The Rio Convention Center from July 19th to 29th. Please see the map below to find our booth #10
July 30th or the 31st. http://www.ProGunClub.com
YUP. We will be there to blow SH!T up! and shoot guns.
It will be a root' toot'n time. - Come plan it with us at the booth!
Then from August 2nd-4th We will have a booth at the BCA TradeShow Summit. At the South Point Hotel Casino Convention Center. Please see the map below for our booth location #1101.
August 5th, - 7th...
Come to the booth and give us some ideas for these dates...
MAYBE we go drive a supercar! Like a Ferrari or a LAMBO!
Let's PLAN IT!
Our last event, we will be at the APA Nationals held at the Westgate Convention Center. August 9th to the 19th. Below is the map to find the KAMUI booth #3.
We look forward to meeting you at the booth and giving sneak peeks of the new products we will be carrying. See you there!