The Pocket Sniper
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- POCKET-SNIPER visualizes the Ghost Ball and the Aiming Point for the player, so the player can properly aim at the correct spot without having the fear to be misaligned. It also shows you the Tangent Line which is very helpful as you will learn in the DRILL SECTION. POCKET-SNIPER has to be aligned in the direction of the pocket (Potting Line) using the black center line and the black arrow. The white circle represents the Ghost Ball and the blue semicircle represents the Object Ball. The red dot in the middle of the Ghost Ball represents the Aiming Point.Example 2
- Place the Object Ball at the intended spot and you are basically ready to fire away! It is necessary to shoot the Cue Ball directly through the center (Aiming Point) of the white circle (Ghost Ball) to succeed. The other black line, at a 90° angle with the center line, represents the Tangent Line and the path the Cue Ball will take when a cut shot is played as a stun-shot (no forward or rearward rotation of the Cue Ball at the time of contact with the Object Ball). Now deliver the Cue Ball with a straight stroke to the Aiming Point and you will make the Object Ball into the pocket.Example 3
- Ghost Ball Aiming: No more guesswork! This classic method is created by visualizing a "ghost ball" at the pocket and aiming the cue ball directly through it. The Pocket Sniper shows you exactly where to aim.
- Tangent Line/Cut Angle Aiming: Uncover the geometry of the shot. Learn to visualize the angle the object ball needs to hit the pocket and use the Pocket Sniper to see the precise contact point.
Why the Pocket Sniper?
- Visual Learning: Turn abstract aiming concepts into clear, actionable targets on the table.
- Train Your Brain: Repetition with the Pocket Sniper develops your aiming intuition, allowing you to see the correct shot even without the tool.
- Confidence Builder: Experience the satisfaction of sinking more shots, boosting your confidence at the table.
Important: The Pocket Sniper is the key that unlocks your potential, but consistent practice and good technique are essential to mastery.
Take control of your game and order your Pocket Sniper today!
The GHOST BALL METHOD (GBM) is most commonly used when explaining to beginners how to aim properly. This method is indeed mostly targeting the beginner and intermediate levels of players. Advanced and Pro-Players will use the GBM especially on Carom Shots, because if you rely on feel, you will almost always hit carom shots too thick. Nevertheless, the GBM is one of the most important aiming methods.
The GBM requires that the player imagines the Cue Ball position at the point of impact, when the Cue Ball is frozen on the Object Ball, touching it at the point of contact, and than to aim at the center of this imaginary Ghost Ball. Sounds quite simple, but for most players it is very difficult to imagine this Ghost Ball and to see the Aiming Point. And that is exactly where POCKET-SNIPER comes into the game!

Now if you come behind the Cue Ball, align yourself to the Aiming Point. This imaginary line from the Cue Ball to the Aiming Point is your Stroke Line. Get down into your stance, swing your cue a few times to make sure you are perfectly aligned to the Aiming Point. When you are ready, stop with the swing of your cue and focus. This is your point of no return. You are confident, there are no doubts any more. Swing slowly back with your cue and deliver the stroke towards the Aiming Point through the Cue Ball and stay down. Watch the Object Ball fall into the pocket. Now stand up and continue your drill.
Example 4