Quick Order
Welcome to the Tip installer's QUICK ORDER page.
If you are NOT an authorized KAMUI tip installer or retailer, and you are looking to purchase KAMUI related products other than tips at retail, please visit our full catalog to order and/or to create a wish list.
If you ARE an Authorized KAMUI Tip Installer or Retailer, and you are looking to purchase KAMUI related products but you do not see any product listed on this page, please log into your account first and then come back to this page.
If you ARE NOT an authorized KAMUI tip installer or retailer, and are looking to become one to purchase KAMUI related products request to become an Authorized KAMUI Tip Installer.
PLEASE NOTE - If tip inventory shows "0" it means we will be getting our inventory in stock soon and you can still order OR backorder the tips. When the back orders arrive we will ship your order immediately and you will be notified with a tracking number.
Also, If you order a product that shows "in stock" and other items that are not "0" we will partially ship your order at no additional cost to you.
The purpose of inventory amounts is to let you have a mental gauge of what and when your order will get to you. We STRONGLY encourage that you never order at the last minute because the "POOL GODS" will have some kind of hand in your order not getting to you in time... ORDER sooner than later.
Please register as wholesaler to see the prices and be able to order